Beta1 test. SW introduction

Here it comes the Beta1 Software.

The preliminary test on the software has been completed.I  validated the following functionalities:

  • 4 motors management
  • IMU, inential measurament unit  Interface (MPU6050).
  • Remote control (done using ssh and the laptop).I can modify roll and pitch target. Yaw is not for the moment part of this test session.I can start the Pid control for roll or for roll+pitch.
  • PID for roll and pitch.
  • Display  with current info
  • log file
  • arg params ( -s = save log, -c = calibrate IMU)

I added a new  module called where I put all the necessary components already tested in the past. So i can access  them for exemple by myQ.motor or myQ.sensor.roll  etc.

I remember that the Imu and rc are now running in a parallel thread.

The main loop is now running every 10ms, but I have to investigate if this is stable and mainly if this is enough for the control of quadcopter.

A new display can show the current status of  the drone, including   roll, pitch and yaw , motors rate , throttle  and the commands from the remote control (target values).

beta1 display

Now the main target for this  test session is to tune the pid  for balancing the structure ( remember that in this phase I placed a semi-sphere under the drone in order to verify the balancing without flying).



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